Zikomo has gone into collaboration with the African Conservation Trust (ACT) to carry out a full multi-facetted malaria prevention program in the rural village of Namakoma on the shores of Lake Malawi.
Malaria is the leading cause of death in Malawi for children under the age of 5. Various studies have shown that when impregnated mosquito nets are used by families the chances of contracting the illness are greatly reduced. The problem is that the majority of families cannot afford the price of the nets.
What we are doing:
1. Conduct baseline study in Namakoma on the effects Malaria has on households and the use of mosquito nets.
2. Distribute impregnated mosquito nets to all households in the Namakoma village.
3. Ensure that heads of household and children know how to use nets, why they are necessary and how they can be maintained.
4. Spray the interior of households with the anti-mosquito chemical Fendona®
5. Following net distribution conduct study every six months to monitor project. Re-impregnate nets every 6 months and re-spray households every 18 months.
This project began in July 2008. Steps 1-4 have been completed for 173 households of the 175 in the village.
One house was unfortunately knocked down by an elephant that was looking for maize and the other burnt down in a fire.
We hope this project will reduce the rate of infant mortality in the village and to earn more for their families by not having to take days off work because of malaria.
At the end of 2009 we will review the effects this project has had and possibly expand it to surrounding villages.
Zikomo would like to extend its warm thanks to the Malawi Volunteer Organisation for all their hard work on this project to date.