The community of Nakutepa village was running many excellent activities from their old community centre. The centre was made out of dried reeds and sticks and limited the community in the activities they could do. During the wet season the centre would be unusable and all the damages suffered during the rains had to be repaired in the dry season.
The community made a proposal to Self Help Development International to build a Community Resource Centre with their assistance. SHDI asked Zikomo to fully sponsor the project. After reviewing the needs of the community and talking to those closest to the proposed project we decided to fully fund the building and furnishing of the centre and support the community with the projects being run from their new building.
The construction of the centre was completed in May 2008 but the project is ongoing. We hope to be able to supply the library with more books (for all levels in Chichewa and English) in the near future and work with the Malawian government in assisting the community in providing care for the orphans, literacy classes for all, and basic health care.